December 15, 2010

Ted Nugent Has Got It Right - Carry A Gun

I have to voice my opinion on this matter, seeing as it is a very sensitive and pressing issue to many people. Guns are not bad!!  Now on to the reason as to why.  If you haven't heard yet, there was recently a man that went to a local school board meeting in Florida, draw a gun and fired it in the meeting.  The end of the story is the guy is dead and ended up taking his own life, but not before firing off about 8 rounds.  Luckily nobody else was hurt in the firing of his shots.  (How that is has to be some sort of miracle seeing as shots were fired only 8 feet away from the intended target.)  The gentleman (who I won't name but refer to as The Idiot) was tried and convicted of aggravated stalking, shooting or throwing a missile into a building or vehicle and obstructing justice back in 1999.  He was sentenced to 5 years in Florida prison.  Now to receive this penalty in Florida you have to be convicted of a felony.  As many people know, convicted felons are not allowed to own or carry guns.  So The Idiot that shot up the school board meeting was not a concealed weapons permit holder and had a gun that was not registered to him.  Now, lets talk about all the people who are against guns and say that there should be tighter regulations on them.  If they succeed with tightening up gun laws, what is going to stop more idiots like him from getting guns?...Not a Damn Thing.  It is only going to hurt those people that buy guns legally and go through proper channels to do so.  Now lets just think about the school board room when The Idiot drew a gun and started making threats.  If anybody in that room would have been a concealed weapons permit holder and had their weapon on them, The Idiot would not have even had the chance to fire a single shot.  Schools around the country are trying to ban guns on school campus's allowing situations such as this to happen.  Students/people that don't have a registered gun yet have obtained one somehow run ramped on campus's shooting others  If schools ban guns, that makes it so that those that conceal legally can't do a fucking thing about it.  So to all of you that think that guns are bad and they should be banned, well fuck you.  I hope that one day you find yourself in a similar situation and have a moment to reflect back at your opinions and say to yourself "Damn, I should have got a concealed weapons permit so I could defend myself".

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