From all of the libraries in the world that offer famous authors, writers and scribes who have written wonderful plays, stories and whatever else... this is not one of those masterpieces. This is going to be the thoughts that happen to cross my mind. Some of the stuff that you may read may be the stuff that you want to say, that you have always thought about saying and just don't have the balls to do so. So in those cases, let me help you and I'll just say it for you. Oh, and if you're offended by profanity, then don't read this. There is a thing called freedom of speech and I love to take full advantage of that.
Now on to the stuff that people actually care about. And by caring I mean pretending to want to care, yet pawning it off on someone else hoping that they will do the dirty work for them. Why is it that parents are afraid in this day and age to actually discipline their kids. Take a look around parents, all of the little shit heads running around that are getting in trouble, stealing and dressing like they are cross dressing freaks.... IS YOUR FUCKING FAULT. Let me give you an example. When was the last time that you sat down with your kids and had a talk to them about right and wrong. What video games should you be playing at what age and what drugs are and what they do to you. It just seems like you would rather complain to the City Counsel, or go to the State Legislature and tell them that they should just ban the stuff. Really people...fucking teach your kids. Oh and don't forget, discipline them if they do not do what they are supposed to. Take their cell phone away, take their XBox or Playstation away and enforce the punishment. Stop trying to pawn things off on everybody else and take responsibility for your own offspring. The next time that I see you (the parent) out with your kid and that kid is misbehaving, it's not the kid that I will be yelling at it will be you. So do your job that you had sex for and be a fucking parent. After all, these are your kids...
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