So recently I've been having this really fun experience with people that just don't seem to understand rules. Let's say that there is this really big company that has been around for years and years. In this company they pay people to make rules and regulations. Not just make rules for shits and giggles, but so that everybody regardless of how long you have worked for the company or what position you hold all fall under the same rules and regulations. Sounds like a pretty good plan to have in place right? That's what I would think, but for some reason there are people that happen to work for said company that think that the rules can be bent for their benefit. The shitty part about that is that they bend the rules so that they continue to look good even when the shit keeps hitting other people and they have to deal with the bent rules.
This being said, I decided I had had enough of this bull shit. It sure is fun to go and rat out what would be your manager to upper management. It's especially fun when the upper management looks at you because you have all of your ducks in line and tells you that you are right and have every right to go and give your manager an ultimatum. So that is exactly what happened. I gave them the ultimatum and they finally understood that I was not someone that they can just throw to the wind and hope everything ends up all right. I am now in a great position to levy money, time and travel against my management. This is such a great feeling. Now we just wait for a little bit longer to make sure that they do what they said they would or all hell will break lose on them. Because the nice upper management that I talked to, well let's just say they have my back.
In short, do your fucking job the way the rules say to do it and then there will be no problems.