So this goes out to all of the women who are in your mid 20's and desperately in love with someone that you can't have. Let me just say this, the reason that you are still not married and not in a relationship is because you are still hopelessly in love with someone that you can't have. Whether this person is someone from high school, college, or please god don't say a movie star or musician you need to get over it and move on with your life. So when you get together with the rest of your friends that are in the same position as you, sadly single wishing that you had a dream guy that doesn't even know you are alive please refrain from telling everybody around you that he is in love with you and that the song he wrote is for you. It is just sad and pathetic. Please grow up and stop acting like a junior high girl with a crush on the quarter back and get a life. There is nothing that will turn a guy off faster than listening to a bunch of grown girls talk about how their dream guy just hasn't found them yet.
(if you haven't figured it out yet there was a bunch of these girls at a recent concert that I was at)