December 31, 2010

The Minority Can Shove It

So why is it that the great majority of people have to change what we do because of a small amount of people that complain.  And why is it that the when the changes take place that we don't ever want to contest them and make the minority feel like they are just complete idiots.  Here is a perfect example.  Many school districts across the country have taken the pledge of allegiance out of the morning routine because it says under God and some people don't believe in God.  Here is the bottom line, "God" is a title for a supreme being that someone believes in.  There are many types of God's, but regardless your religion you believe in a supreme being.  So why is it so bad to say "under God" in the pledge of allegiance and why does that offend people.  Those that choose to be atheist can stand and not say the pledge.  Easy as that.  But for those that still believe in some supreme being and want to remember how our country was won and where the pledge came from we should be able to still stand and say it on a daily basis.  Why do we pull it from our schools because people are offended?  After all this is America.  If you lived in China, you would be forced to do what they say and that is that.  So really, stand your ass up and say the pledge, show your pride for the country that allows you to be who you want to be.  And when the word "God" is said, think of your supreme being and what you believe in.  Don't be a pussy and let those that are just ass holes win.

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