June 22, 2012

A Change In Life That I Sure Didn't Want

So in choosing a path in life, you make your choice and you run with.  Sometimes that choice is a good one and other times...well it isn't.  I took a path about a year ago that was an awesome path.  I had done everything to prepare myself for what was coming.  However the sad part of this little story is doing everything to prepare wasn't enough because my body (in particular my knees) said fuck this and I'm not doing it.  So after trying for so long to become an Army Diver, I had to sadly drop out of the class.  It was a very sad day and I am still wishing that there was another option.  However the options were continue and risk permanently injuring my knees, or take two weeks off and pray that they perfectly heal themselves back to how they were when I was 16.  Seeing as the latter is not possible, I elected to drop course before I hurt myself beyond repair.  So now the Army has picked my path for the next 3 years of my life.  Field Artillery here I come as a Cannon Crewman.  Let's see how this pans out....

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